Entries by MaroonNola

Class Reunion Information

As a service to our alumni, we would like to publicize your class reunion information. Please send the information via email to mcdonongh35alumniassociation@yahoo.com. Include the name, email address and phone […]

Class Reunion Information

As a service to our alumni, we would like to publicize your class reunion information. Please send the information via email to  mcdonongh35alucmniassociation@yahoo.com. Include the name, email address and phone number […]

Sponsor a Scholar

Mr. Harold Clay, Executive Director of McDonogh 35, and his leadership team have decided to provide academic incentives to students as per the attached document. Of course, alumni support is needed […]

Judge Omar Mason

Congratulations to Omar Mason, Class of 1992, on being elected Judge of Civil District Court. Division E. Thank you for being another distinguished Roneagle. Keep soaring, ever high, even higher!