Thinking of All of You

Without a doubt, we are living through an unprecedented global health situation and a continued racial and equity fight. As we move through these challenging and uncertain times, we wanted to reach out to you to let you know that we are thinking about you and wishing all of you nothing but health and safety for yourself and your loved ones. We have all been affected by this pandemic as well as the social unrest in our nation sparked by the recent murders of our Black brothers and sisters. Black Lives Matter!!
Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one during this time, recovering from COVID yourself, protesting the injustice, praying for those on the front line, or serving in some other needed role during this revolution, We encourage you to reach out to your Roneagle classmates. The relationships you formed at McDonogh 35 are bonds that will endure for a lifetime. Together we will navigate these difficult times and emerge a more resilient and inclusive community.
Stay Roneagle strong!
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